algorithm, distributive property, dividend, divisor, equation, exponents, expression, repeated subtraction, multiplicand, multiplier, order of operations, partial product, product, properties of operations, quotient, remainder, decimal, fraction, decimal point, hundredths, ones, place, value, rounding, tenths, thousandths, array, associative property of multiplication, commutative property of multiplication, distributive property, dividend, division, divisor exponent, factor, hundred thousands, hundreds, hundredths, identity property of multiplication, millions, multiple, multiplier, ones, partial products, partition/partitive division, power of ten, product, quotient, remainder, repeated subtraction, ten thousands, tens, thousands, equivalent, common denominator, unlike denominator, numerator, improper fraction, mixed number, unit fraction, equivalent fractions, reasonableness, estimate, benchmark fraction, addition/add, subtraction/subtract, difference, acute angle, acute triangle, congruence/congruent, equilateral triangle, hexagon, irregular polygon, isosceles triangle, kite, obtuse angle, parallel lines, parallelogram, pentagon, perpendicular lines, plane figure, polygon, quadrilateral, rectangle, regular polygon, right angle, right triangle, rhombus/rhombi, scalene triangle, square, triangle, trapezoid, two-dimensional, vertex, measurement, attribute, conversion/convert, metric system, customary system, metric units of measure, customary units of measure, line plot, length, mass, weight, liquid volume, volume, solid figure, right rectangular prism, unit, unit cube, gap, cubic units, height, area of base, axis/axes, coordinates, coordinate plane, first quadrant, horizontal, intersection of lines, line, ordered pair, origin, point, rule, vertical, x-axis, x-coordinate, y-axis, y-coordinate
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