This game is a great bell ringer or hallway review. Keep a set of the “What Am I?” cards in a clear plastic bag. If you have a few extra minutes at the end of a class period, use the cards to review vocabulary with your students.
If you’re walking students through the hallway and are early to where you’re going, have a set of the cards with you. Read students the clues in the hallway and have them raise their hands to guess the vocabulary term. You can also select a student to read the clues.
Printable Version:
1. Cut apart each of the cards of people so that they are like playing cards.
2. Shuffle the cards and turn them upside down in a pile.
3. Separate your class into teams (however many you would like – I prefer 2, but you can do more)
4. Choose a player from the first group to come up and read the clues to their team. They finish with, “Who am I?” and their team must guess the answer. If someone from their team guesses correctly, that team gets 2 points. If they are wrong, the next team up has a chance to get 1 point if they answer correctly. If they get it correct, they still get their turn next. If they were incorrect when trying to earn the point, the next group in order (if there are more than 2 teams) will get their chance to get a point. Continue playing in this way until you have completed all of the cards.
Tips for Digital Use:
1. Assign the slideshow to students so that they can review key terms
2. Use in class or on Zoom by presenting the slideshow (the first slide has the clues and the second slide reveals the answer).